If you ever wanted to know what the post nominals after A/Prof. Guazzato meant... here is the opportunity to read on.  

DDS is a hyphenation for Doctor in Dental Surgery.  This title is achieved after 5 years full time study at a dental school/University.  The"Hons 1" was awarded to A/Prof. Guazzato after he graduation with perfect scores and top of the class.

PhD stands for Doctor in Philosophy.  It is the highest academic achievement and  it is awarded only to a person that has been able to carry out research that represents a significant discovery or introduced a significant development in a specific field.  This is why a person awarded a doctorate in philosophy as the research indicates a way (hence philosophy) to our professional colleagues.  A/Prof. Guazzato has a doctorate in Philosophy in Dentistry and his the path he paved was (and still is) in dental ceramics.  The research focused on the microstructure and handling of dental ceramics and helped colleagues how to use the materials and avoid complications when treating patients.  

DClinDent means Doctorate in Clinical Dentistry.  It is granted after 3-years full-time clinical University studies.  It is a post-graduated degree with the need to have completed a bachelor degree in Dentistry and a number of years of clinical experience.  The course has a large theoretical and clinical component in a specific field of dentistry.  The objective is to become a dental specialist and in A/Prof Guazzato's case a Prosthodontist or a dental specialists in the restoration of teeth and jaws.